Thursday, June 5, 2014

Delicious Veggie Tart

Every once in a while someone posts a delicious looking recipe on Facebook, and even more rarely I'll try it. Recently my friend Siobhan posted this veggie tart recipe, and today I gave it a try.


The tart has roasted vegetables-- eggplant, zucchini, peppers, roasted garlic, fresh basil, thyme and oregano, mozzarella and parmesan. The recipe also includes instructions for making the crust, but I cheated and used a ready-to-bake crust. It was easy, didn't take too long, and was really good!

Click here for the recipe.


  1. It looks great packed with all those veggies. All the cheese doesn't hurt of course.

  2. Yum! I've made some veggie tarts but it's been awhile, might be time for another one! Cream cheese, parmesan, garlic, sun dried tomatoes, and zucchini is my go-to combo!
